NAG Fortran Library

F07 - Linear Equations (LAPACK)

Chapter Introduction
F07ADF (SGETRF/DGETRF) LU factorization of real m by n matrix
F07AEF (SGETRS/DGETRS) Solution of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ADF
F07AGF (SGECON/DGECON) Estimate condition number of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF
F07AHF (SGERFS/DGERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07AJF (SGETRI/DGETRI) Inverse of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF
F07ARF (CGETRF/ZGETRF) LU factorization of complex m by n matrix
F07ASF (CGETRS/ZGETRS) Solution of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ARF
F07AUF (CGECON/ZGECON) Estimate condition number of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF
F07AVF (CGERFS/ZGERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07AWF (CGETRI/ZGETRI) Inverse of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF
F07BDF (SGBTRF/DGBTRF) LU factorization of real m by n band matrix
F07BEF (SGBTRS/DGBTRS) Solution of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BDF
F07BGF (SGBCON/DGBCON) Estimate condition number of real band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BDF
F07BHF (SGBRFS/DGBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07BRF (CGBTRF/ZGBTRF) LU factorization of complex m by n band matrix
F07BSF (CGBTRS/ZGBTRS) Solution of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BRF
F07BUF (CGBCON/ZGBCON) Estimate condition number of complex band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BRF
F07BVF (CGBRFS/ZGBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07FDF (SPOTRF/DPOTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite matrix
F07FEF (SPOTRS/DPOTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FGF (SPOCON/DPOCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FHF (SPORFS/DPORFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07FJF (SPOTRI/DPOTRI) Inverse of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FRF (CPOTRF/ZPOTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix
F07FSF (CPOTRS/ZPOTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07FUF (CPOCON/ZPOCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07FVF (CPORFS/ZPORFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07FWF (CPOTRI/ZPOTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07GDF (SPPTRF/DPPTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, packed storage
F07GEF (SPPTRS/DPPTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GGF (SPPCON/DPPCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GHF (SPPRFS/DPPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07GJF (SPPTRI/DPPTRI) Inverse of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GRF (CPPTRF/ZPPTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, packed storage
F07GSF (CPPTRS/ZPPTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07GUF (CPPCON/ZPPCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07GVF (CPPRFS/ZPPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07GWF (CPPTRI/ZPPTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07HDF (SPBTRF/DPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite band matrix
F07HEF (SPBTRS/DPBTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HDF
F07HGF (SPBCON/DPBCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HDF
F07HHF (SPBRFS/DPBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07HRF (CPBTRF/ZPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite band matrix
F07HSF (CPBTRS/ZPBTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HRF
F07HUF (CPBCON/ZPBCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HRF
F07HVF (CPBRFS/ZPBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07MDF (SSYTRF/DSYTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix
F07MEF (SSYTRS/DSYTRS) Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MDF
F07MGF (SSYCON/DSYCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF
F07MHF (SSYRFS/DSYRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07MJF (SSYTRI/DSYTRI) Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF
F07MRF (CHETRF/ZHETRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix
F07MSF (CHETRS/ZHETRS) Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MRF
F07MUF (CHECON/ZHECON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF
F07MVF (CHERFS/ZHERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07MWF (CHETRI/ZHETRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF
F07NRF (CSYTRF/ZSYTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix
F07NSF (CSYTRS/ZSYTRS) Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07NRF
F07NUF (CSYCON/ZSYCON) Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF
F07NVF (CSYRFS/ZSYRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07NWF (CSYTRI/ZSYTRI) Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF
F07PDF (SSPTRF/DSPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix, packed storage
F07PEF (SSPTRS/DSPTRS) Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage
F07PGF (SSPCON/DSPCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage
F07PHF (SSPRFS/DSPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07PJF (SSPTRI/DSPTRI) Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage
F07PRF (CHPTRF/ZHPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, packed storage
F07PSF (CHPTRS/ZHPTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage
F07PUF (CHPCON/ZHPCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage
F07PVF (CHPRFS/ZHPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07PWF (CHPTRI/ZHPTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage
F07QRF (CSPTRF/ZSPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix, packed storage
F07QSF (CSPTRS/ZSPTRS) Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage
F07QUF (CSPCON/ZSPCON) Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage
F07QVF (CSPRFS/ZSPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07QWF (CSPTRI/ZSPTRI) Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage
F07TEF (STRTRS/DTRTRS) Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07TGF (STRCON/DTRCON) Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix
F07THF (STRRFS/DTRRFS) Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07TJF (STRTRI/DTRTRI) Inverse of real triangular matrix
F07TSF (CTRTRS/ZTRTRS) Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07TUF (CTRCON/ZTRCON) Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix
F07TVF (CTRRFS/ZTRRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07TWF (CTRTRI/ZTRTRI) Inverse of complex triangular matrix
F07UEF (STPTRS/DTPTRS) Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07UGF (STPCON/DTPCON) Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix, packed storage
F07UHF (STPRFS/DTPRFS) Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07UJF (STPTRI/DTPTRI) Inverse of real triangular matrix, packed storage
F07USF (CTPTRS/ZTPTRS) Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07UUF (CTPCON/ZTPCON) Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix, packed storage
F07UVF (CTPRFS/ZTPRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07UWF (CTPTRI/ZTPTRI) Inverse of complex triangular matrix, packed storage
F07VEF (STBTRS/DTBTRS) Solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07VGF (STBCON/DTBCON) Estimate condition number of real band triangular matrix
F07VHF (STBRFS/DTBRFS) Error bounds for solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07VSF (CTBTRS/ZTBTRS) Solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07VUF (CTBCON/ZTBCON) Estimate condition number of complex band triangular matrix
F07VVF (CTBRFS/ZTBRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1999